2023 06 I Missed My Spring Tune Up

Have I Missed My Chance For An AC Tune-Up?

As Greenville settles in for a hot summer, several clients have said to us, “Summer snuck up on me… and now it’s too late to have my AC tuned up!”

We want to put this misconception to rest. Even though we’re well into June and the summer heat is upon us, it’s never too late to schedule a tune-up on your HVAC system. Regular maintenance and proactive repairs are integral to securing your cooling system’s efficiency, performance, and longevity.

Is HVAC Maintenance Really That Important?

Just like a doctor for your own health, we maintain the health of your HVAC system.

Consider routine AC maintenance as a preventative health check-up for your air conditioning system. It’s the path to ensuring optimal performance, preventing unforeseen failures, and enhancing the unit’s life expectancy.

An inefficient air conditioner is forced to overexert itself to maintain a comfortable indoor climate, leading to heightened energy consumption and inflated utility costs. Moreover, the excess strain can reduce the unit’s lifespan and increase the likelihood of system breakdowns.

Consistent maintenance can mitigate these issues, promoting smooth operation of your system and offering substantial savings in the long run.

Missed Your Spring Service? It’s Not Too Late

The ideal time to schedule your AC tune-up in the spring, before the mercury starts to rise. But if you missed it this year, there’s no cause for alarm – Wright’s Air is still offering HVAC maintenance for our customers, to keep you cool and comfortable throughout the summer.

Many homeowners assume that their air conditioner is working fine, since it seems to be cooling the house. The reality is, even if an AC unit continues to function, its performance might be deteriorating, using more energy and costing more money. Additionally, minor undetected issues could be evolving into major problems.

An AC tune-up during the summer can identify these hidden issues, allow us to fix them, and avoid a breakdown during a heatwave.

The Economic Consequences of Overlooking Maintenance

While it might be tempting to skip annual AC tune-ups to save some cash, this practice will probably backfire on you. Without regular maintenance, minor issues that are usually easy and inexpensive to address can escalate into major problems. If you’re like us, you’d rather pay a little now than face costly repairs or system replacement down the road.

Even those lucky enough to avoid serious malfunctions will still face elevated energy bills, as their neglected system draws more power to cool the home. Reports show that a well-maintained air conditioner could operate up to 25% more efficiently than a neglected one.

Comfort Assurance Plans

At Wright’s Air, we understand that the pace of everyday life can sometimes push AC maintenance to the bottom of your to-do list. Therefore, we offer Comfort Assurance Plans to ensure that your system remains in top-notch condition throughout the year with little effort on your part.

One of our skilled technicians will perform a thorough une-up, ensuring that your system operates efficiently and reliably. Our flexible, economical plans offer you the peace of mind that your AC will consistently deliver cool, comfortable air, regardless of the heat outdoors.

So, if you missed your usual Spring maintenance, just give us a quick call at (903) 455-5662 so we can get you on the schedule. We all know that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”… so, now is the time to take action.

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