A Wright's Air AC tech refreshes a customer's AC with refrigerant.

Feeling the Heat? Here’s How Your AC’s Refrigerant Keeps You Cool

As the summer heat in Texas continues to burn us up, we all lean heavily on our air conditioning systems. This time of year, we often hear this common question at Wright’s Air: “Does my AC need a refrigerant refill?” It can be a complicated question, so without further ado, let’s dive in.

Refrigerant: A Cooling Agent

Refrigerant, often dubbed as “coolant”, isn’t just any fluid. It’s the unsung hero that transfers heat from within your home to the outside, ensuring you stay cool. Maintaining the right refrigerant level is vital to your AC’s ability to perform at its peak.

Identifying Your AC’s Refrigerant Type

The type of refrigerant that your AC unit uses is determined by make, model and age. Units manufactured before 2010 likely contain HCFC-22 (R-22) refrigerant. However, the EPA encourages transitioning to eco-friendly options like R-410A due to environmental concerns.

If you aren’t sure what type yours uses, a quick glance at your outdoor condenser’s nameplate will clarify. Of course, Wright’s Air will always be happy to check it out for you, as well.

The Risks of DIY Refrigerant Refills

We get it – DIY feels empowering. (And, who are we kidding, we all look for a way to save a buck here and there.) But refrigerants are no playground. Incorrect handling can result in severe risks like toxicity, flammability, and even blindness. Plus, it’s unlawful unless you’re certified.

That’s where your friends at Wright’s Air come in. We are experts in the field, we are licensed and insured, and we can ensure your safety with our legal compliance.

Spotting a Refrigerant Leak

Your AC’s refrigerant circulates within a closed system – levels shouldn’t drop without reason. If warm air becomes an issue, a refill might be due. But first, detect the leak. Signs you might have a leak include:

  • AC emitting warm/hot air.
  • Extended house cooling times.
  • Ice on the evaporator coil.
  • Spikes in electricity bills.
  • Hissing sounds near refrigerant lines.

Getting the thumbs up from Wright's Air - your AC refrigerant levels are good!

Action Plan for Suspected Leaks

Concerned about a potential refrigerant leak? Here’s your game plan:

  • Turn off your AC (switch the thermostat from ‘COOL’ to ‘OFF’).
  • Defrost any frozen parts by setting the thermostat fan to ‘ON’ for a few hours.
  • Contact Wright’s Air. Our technicians will diagnose the issue and chart the best course forward.

Final Thoughts

Air conditioners require precise refrigerants to function optimally. Mixing or misusing can damage your system and endanger your safety. Wright’s Air is trained, equipped, and always ready to handle any refrigerant concerns.

If a warm breeze from your AC has you puzzled, ring us at (903) 455-5662. We promise to restore that refreshing blast of the arctic you desperately crave this summer!

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